Thursday, February 19, 2015

POEM - The Cause

My email screams to me
Begs and pleads for my essential support
Only I can stop the evil
My three dollar pledge
Will move mountains
Slay the Goliath with whom we battle
Trip up Citizens United
Make the political game fair

Meh . . .
Those guys have tons of money
I know. I just read the list.
The Forbes 400 richest
They are number five and six
My number on the list can’t be calculated
Negative net worth isn’t considered
Can’t even afford the magazine
Had to look it up on-line

But the emails keep coming
And my 3 dollars from 2 years ago
Bought me fifteen emails a day
Personal requests from previous Poet Laureates
Past and current presidents
Party leaders and assorted dignitaries
And concerned citizens alike

But, I mean, those other guys
Their totally loaded
And they still lost
I think I’ll keep my 3 dollars

And just give my 2 cents

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