Monday, February 23, 2015

POEM - Push

On cloud 9
Our wedding day
We thought we floated
On wings of angels
But we landed
It turns out
At the bottom
Of an eternal mountain
Pushing boulders

In case you wondered
The boulders multiply
They are called children
And work
And responsibility
And goals
And who cares what they are called
I feel good
Pushed one boulder
Until it wore down
And disappeared
I can see another
Is nearly worn down too
And some of the children
Are starting to push their own boulders
Carry their own weight
Pile on goals
And chores
And work
And all of it

And there are lots of us
Pushing boulders up mountains
And it is hard work
And it is a nice thing
When someone with a few less boulders left
Nudges from behind
And I remember to remember
It will be my turn
One day soon
To nudge and struggle
And help another
And Push

And on they roll

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