Thursday, March 14, 2013

POEM - The Twinkie Suite: Fit the Second

O giddy gurgling gullet glands!
My joy bubbles eek within
Dribbling and wrangling frothily
Betwixt unctuous throat warbles
And cacophonous belly twitters

Today a joyous news heralds out
Flinging true and happy words
To reward the patient and devout
And calm the restless mulling herds
Who in a devastating moment
Were stripped of happiness and glee
Those responsible could not comment
As tears flowed like the raging sea

Then last Tuesday
The 12th of March
The internet was seen to say
The court approved
The sale was set
Extinction thwarted without delay

A now the songs the children sing
Once fraught with minor chords
Have been transposed to the major key
As bards write happier words
Gleaming eyes gaze to summer days
When Twinkie, in triumph, shall return

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