Wednesday, March 20, 2013

POEM - Call of the Javelina

The two story Roman Cross style house
Sat in the western foothills
On the outskirt of Tucson
It was designed by my Uncle Kim
Built by my Uncle Ron
And lived in by us for a couple years

Downstairs contained all of the bedrooms
And the TV room just off the deck
We’d huddle down there every afternoon
To watch cartoons
And avoid chores

Then something cool happened
Thundering sounds began
Tromping across the back deck
Stirring us from our electronic trance
We all wondered if the deck was falling
Or a quick storm had hit

We rushed to the window
To find even more wonder
A troupe of javelina met our eyes
Dozens of the wiry desert pigs
Trudging on as if this was normal

I took it as an invitation
Slipped on my shoes and bolted
Running after the galloping herd
Figuring there must be some reason
Something that sent them to me

On through the Sonoran desert
Under an overcast sky
Falling behind, but keeping in sight
Until they began to slow and gather
I slowed too and slunk down to hide

I’d heard of their temper
A tendency to stampeded in defense
Instead they just stood and looked
With a subtle confidence and peace
As if they knew it was only me
A  hunter with no weapon
Who was welcome
As long as I didn’t stay too long

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