Friday, March 08, 2013

POEM - Land Wars in the Late Suburban Period

We begin each night with me
Resting my weary carcass
Supporting myself on you
Right arm draped across your chest

My left hand is buried
In the cool recessed cavern
Below your pillow draped with graying hair
My right leg hooked over your right knee

Nestled close and comfortable
In amorous entanglement
You allow this moment
Only if I remember the rules

As my breathing deepens and slows
There is one last requirement to fulfill

I must rise and adjust
Shift my whole person a step back
Separating from your tender fold
Repositioning to a pre-determined safe distance

I'm told I am a restless sleeper
My arms flinch frequently, performing
Body spasms and jumps erratically
Prone to act out my dreams
In disconcerting jolts, reckless
Kicks and tremors arriving in waves
Makes you a restless sleeper, too

I return here every night 
To make the same bad decision
To sleep on my back 
Despite the apnea
Despite the tremulous snores 
That plague your every attempt at sleep
I look forward to your command 
“Roll over on your side!"

It is another thing that you do
To prove again just how much more
You care for me
Another thing I insist pursuing
To show I refuse to learn my lesson

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