Sunday, April 01, 2018

POEM - Stopping by Frost Farm on a Snowy Day

All of it was there
Sitting in subtle repose
Every turn of phrase
Each vivid scene
Alive and well
Living out the lines
Wrought concerning their very existence 

And I stopping by
I am sure my car wonders
Why I turn down this lane
Clearly marked
In bold letters
Closed for the season
A blockade of snow
Clogging the lane
Undaunted I forge 
Many miles yet to journey
I will let them wait
While here i stand
On sacred ground
Grateful for that blessing
His very world surrounding 
A solitary communing 

And then it was time
The moment perfect enough
And parting brought peace
A glimpse of the world
Seen through his eyes
No longer a wonder
How each line flowed with ease
Every word just right
My every step loosed a sonnet
Each breathe a perfect couplet
My heartbeat a clever rhyme

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