Thursday, February 08, 2018

POEM - Sips of Soda Water

Twisting in the missing in between of times
Fostering solemn deepening thoughts
Betwixt sips of soda water and lime
The ineffable mysteries bubble and churn

It is this way when we let the moments gather 
Potential energy of fantastic possibilities 
And it forces a daydream 
Wandering thought
A doodle in the margins
A page filled with practice scribbling
Demonstrating contenders for a new way
Of writing the letter ‘A’
For when I am undercover
Spying on the other guys
A perfect chameleon 

Or just closed eyes
Remembering unsuccessfully 
Just exactly how the ocean breezes
Coming off the Pacific 
In late spring visits to California
Felt just so
As they danced across my sun kissed cheeks
Saturated in ocean fragrances
With hints of seaside eateries
In intoxicatingly anesthetic perfection
Teasing out impossible thoughts
Alluring sirens song
Calling me to forget 
Lay here endlessly in sandy Eden
And abandon all pressing matters
Become still as driftwood
Knurled and smooth
Then high tide laps across me
Bumped and knocked
Slowly ocean bound
To drift aimlessly 
Rolling and churning
Sometimes tossed on another shore
Other times dragged back into the fray
Never to act
Only an interesting result
Of wind and water and sand and sun and time

And all of it caught
Between the briefest of thoughts 
An eternity of results
Bubbles in soda 
Slipped slowly 

With just a hint of lime

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