Monday, June 02, 2014

POEM - Roach Space

A hole has formed
In the hermetic seal
This modern office boasts
And the cockroaches have noticed
All the way up they climb
To the second floor
Just to make a point
And on three consecutive days
The hallway has been accented
By the lone kamikaze
The message in sacrificial form
Reminding all of the voracity
Each and every element
Of the collective infestation

We are not born to conquer
There is no permanence in humanity
We are born as squatters
Our space on loan
A temporary condition
As the architecture crumbles
Weeds and vines engulf
Always lurking and scurrying
Just under the exterior
Are the walls filled to bursting
With roaches bent on domination
Imbued with the patient knowledge
They are indestructible and un-vanquish-able
Like Time

Or an Hydra

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