Sunday, September 11, 2016

POEM - Possum, I Wish You Could Stay

We all wanted you to stay
Marsupial of our dreams
So young and curious
But your work is not here
And we had to evict you
Please take no offense

No, really, I understand
I'm sure the large bowl of cat food
Sitting there unguarded
Was a delicacy
Compared to your insect heavy diet
But that is what you do

I know
I read up and you
And it would have ended in tears
You do not have a long life ahead
I can't wish you many years of happiness
It is a sad truth that science doesn't understand
You seem perfectly fine 
Roaming and foraging 
Deep in the woods
And then you play dead
One last time
And it sticks

So, again, I wish you could stay
You were a lovely guest
Quiet and furtive
Kind to the cats
Easily captured
Though kind of a pig
But the internet said no
It is better this way

I released you in a good part of the forest
Same place I sent your brother yesterday
Sorry for the bumpy car ride
Please don't hurry back