Thursday, December 31, 2015

POEM - Where the Rain Falls

This winter we must have been on Venus
Waiting like school children
Trapped in the classroom
For sunshine that seems to never come
Even the slightest ray warms
Skin so damp it never dries

I have watched the rain fall
In many ways
On many different days
And I play a small game
Trying to predict where to place a thing
So that it will not get wet
Protect a shiny steel wrench
Or a powered drill
From the cemented permanence of rust
As it eats and freezes 
First black then red
Then a pock marked mixture of both
Slowly the hard metal flowers 
Bloom and wilt imperceptibly 

But I never guess right
Where the tears fall
When the heavens cry
And this rain makes sadness stay
Hangs heavy all around
First black then red

And I never can tell where the rain will fall
Where there is shelter from the storm
And what will bloom
In the rains of Venus
As we wait for a summer day