Monday, July 07, 2014

POEM - Summer Dilemma

Lazily the conversation
Meanders around the point
As you search
For a reason to cook

Where is the potato salad
And the holiday leftovers
That won’t heat up the house
That might prolong the reclining moment?

If it was just us we’d wait
Let the humid moments pass
But these darn kids
Are not as patient
Complaining of a hunger
More based in boredom
Than actual starvation

The message you send is desperate
            “Why don’t we have any good food in this house?”
I know that good really means easy
            “Maria gave us a box of corn
                        We have lots of corn!”
“Well, cook some up - the kids love it
Maybe ruin it with butter and salt, like in the old days
Or worse, with margarine
Like we were raised in the 70s!”

You let me know they had corn for breakfast
Such silly little reprobates
            “I am eating boiled peanut” you relate
                        “I am ashamed” is your confession

I laugh in text
            “Hahaha, you are Southern now! Sorry!”
But it isn’t a joke
There is watermelon in the fridge
Fried chicken for dinner
A farm outside our door
And overalls in my closet

And you just told me Maria’s trailer is “nice”
And I wonder when it happened
But summer is too hot
For anything so deep
And I’m jealous of corn for breakfast
And I was hoping
            To snack on those boiled peanuts
Cool and moist

            Waiting in the refrigerator door