Monday, October 03, 2011

General Conference

What a great weekend. So many great talks and many re-enforcements of seminary among the talks, so that was fun to share with my class this morning. I was proud of Max because he went outof his way to watch the session he missed. What a difference in the attitude of the kids in my class. I really think they are a VERY chosen generation as this group has the gospel far more a part of their lives than the last few years have produced. Much more like my group of friends when I was in High School. That's good to see.

The weather here in South Carolina is wonderful this time of year. 70 degree days and beutiful clear skies: who could ask for better? Heading home soon to have Family Home Evening. Should be a good week ahead.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Now is the time . . . to turn the record over

So, we are in another school year. I think everyone is glad to be back and entertained each day. Linda started her new job as a lunch lady at Ezra's school (Gilbert Primary School) and she just said that despite the taxing physicality of it, she finds she really is loving the job, so that's a fun thing.

I started another seminary year and we are studying Old Testament - this is a fantastic group of kids and I am lucky to have them. Also lucky to be teaching at my house. Our sun room was an unqualified disaster prior to this wild hair I got to teach at our house, but it has worked out fantastically.

This also marks my promotion to Trainer at my job - again teaching, but that's what I really do like to do so why not get paid for it, right? Well, at least until I can wrangle the Poet Laureate gig :)

That's it for now - was having problems getting back on the blog and then figured it out finally - will be more consistent now in sharing - started writing a journal because the message finally sunk in after hearing the same talk from Pres. Eyring about 5 times, so I realize this is important stuff and also keeping in touch with friends and family I guess is important or something so here you go.