Wednesday, May 11, 2005

"Abstract #1"

"Abstract #1" - charcoal on paper 36in x 24in Posted by Hello

"I'm Watching You"

"I'm Watching You" - charcoal on paper 36 in x 24 in Posted by Hello

Detail of dragonfly on fish sculpture

Detail of dragonfly on fish sculpture Posted by Hello

Fish and Dragonfly

A larger sculpture - about 5 ft tall and 6 ft wide and is balanced on the center pole

Metal abstract sculptur

Metal abstract sculpture - about 24 in high Posted by Hello

A Family dance - Favorite Decade

A Family dance - it was pick your favorite decade Posted by Hello

A bouquet made of 45's

A bouquet made of 45's Posted by Hello

Monday, May 02, 2005

The Kids ca.2005

The Kids (from right) Claire, Max, Veronica & Josie Posted by Hello

Claire and I (I have the beard)

Claire and I (I have the beard) are anticpating the wonders of the universe, or maybe just checking the mail. Posted by Hello

Marmots Unite !!!

Sing the song of all furry marmots and learn that all true music somehow relates to jugband and that is the only true and pure form of music. Well, maybe not but thank goodness we are all welcome to an opinion.