Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Forgotten in the Middle

I am writing this on a Thursday
Or maybe a Friday 
Because I forgot
Because everyone forgets the middle child

It was Wednesday the holiday was
Middle Child Day
As I've said
Of course 

And it was my middle child
Reminding me of it
Telling the joke
But she wasn't laughing
And the big sad lip
And the look
Telling me
She was not
In any way 

But that middle child
Well, they know they are forgotten
Mostly because
We all know
They will make sure
We all know
If we ever forget 
So we don't try to remember
Cuz they will
Make sure
We all know

So, I finally got around to this
Because I forgot 
But the middle child didn't
And she reminded me
And alright already
I finished it
I know, I know
I did it again

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