Monday, September 30, 2013

POEM - Feta Nachos

You know feta isn’t really a melting cheese
I sprinkle my comment on the silence
Hoping to add a little texture
Out of fear
Of the blandness of silence

Across the room the carousel spins
In its contained room
Intermittently filled with intensity
From the waves of radiation
Escaping into the space
Restructuring the food
On a sub-atomic level
That’s how I picture it
For today it will do


Tomorrow it will be ray guns
Fired from hidden windows
That only become operational
When the glass platter spins
An endless treadmill
Upon which my plate of food
Runs the obstacle course
Sometimes falling
To the crisscross of enemy fire
Other times hiding in sheltered coves
Only to emerge unblemished

It is in these times
Of uneven heating
Of feta laced nachos
I must resort to radical theories
Sure that any other conclusion
Would just cheapen the experience

In the end the cheese melted
Dairy often can’t stand the heat
But there were interesting results
Some surviving cubes intact
Others less fortunate and vindictive
Took down victims with them
As underlying layers of once rigid chips
Emerge devoid of structural integrity
Some aspect of the goat milk base
Tragically degenerating them
I slurped them up any way
And in the slurping found

Pleasure flavored with serendipity

Sunday, September 29, 2013

POEM - On Display

I found my best foot
And started putting it on display
Forward, exemplary
On a regular basis

Retiring your old self
That’s a difficult task
With so much baggage
Stored up in little corners
Or strewn across memories
And intertwined in relationships
Filling up the past
Trying to block the future
From getting into the driver’s seat
Pulled the parking break
Chocked the wheels
Cutting break lines
Deflating all the tires

Eventually you can slough it off
Toss it in the corner like a dirty sock
And then put on a new pair
One special made
For stepping out
With your new best foot
Cocked and ready to take the first step
By punting the sad sack excuse
Of your old life
Off the edge of the Grand Canyon

My new best foot
Always takes me forward
To steeper roads
Longer hills
And breathtaking vistas

Saturday, September 28, 2013

POEM - Hook and Water

The stream of liquid crystal
Flowed coolly over shimmering pebbles
As rusty brown creatures emerged
From submerged overhangs

In days to come
After sparklers burned to char
All the fun of fireworks
Faded slowly
From bright flash
            To burned retinal residue
                        To darkened closed eyes
I returned to the stream
Like a fish to water
But this fish had claws
Or hooks rather

The repurposed spent sparklers
Held the right combination
Of plastic cheese and bologna
To draw out the crawfish

Each simply held tight to the hook
Then were drawn from the water
And dropped into the waiting bucket
Unceremoniously imprisoned

In the back yard they sat
In full sun
In the tall bucket
By the time dad was home
As I hurriedly showed him the bucket
I learned the effects of full sun
On aquatic freshwater crustaceans

The crystal water shimmered
My return a peaceful one
Alongside the bank
Only a watcher now
Crawfish emerge
Walking in a funeral march
For their fallen brothers

Who took the easy route

Friday, September 27, 2013

POEM - Mrs. Creel of the Third Grade

Mrs. Creel made third grade matter
It was the year the world appeared
Filled in around me
I began to see distant horizons
The curvature of the earth
All flatness banished

She had been to places
Places no one went to
Not in those Cold War days
And she had stories
Stories that transfixed
All the little impressionable souls
Like the Pied Piper
Telling the stories of the Arabian Nights

With trepidation I entered her class
She was known as the strict teacher
And the piercing look
That glowered over her librarian glasses
Let you believe it was true
But it wasn’t strict
It was anxiously engaged
It was learning more and more
It was so much to do and so little time
And we willingly participated

We were rewarded in knowledge
The slide show from Russia
When she was there
With a group of friends
On the 50th Anniversary of Communism
With fireworks exploding in air
Over the wonder of St. Basil’s Cathedral
While at the hotel their room was searched
When they weren’t distracted
And all they took was a Bible

But it was more than that
She gave me my start as a poet
When she picked my poem
To be placed in everyone’s book
The books we were making
Really making
The right way
Hand sewn binding
Large yellow covers
Glued down with copious amounts of rubber cement
My drawing of Frodo and Sam at Mount Doom
Selected as well and printed on those covers

I still have that book
Filled with every project and assignment
From an entire year
I still wonder how she did it
Not just keeping track of it all
But the fact we wanted to do any of it
Helped all of us care enough to make it good

I think a little of Mrs. Creel remains
Right down in my formative core
To the outside observer
I’m probably the strict parent
Have a serious look now and then
But it isn’t strict even still
It is all the fun stuff to share
And I have so much to show you
And, I care enough to spend the time
And Isn’t this cool?
And Ooo! Look at that!

And 1001 nights of stories still left to tell

Thursday, September 26, 2013

POEM - Curious Remedies

Banish me
To the leper colony of your heart
Where I may live out my days of disfiguration
On sandy beaches
Beneath the wispy palm trees’ chatter
As they direct the soothing breezes
That speak encouragement
Good health and recovery
As I sip reflectively
The Coconut Milk
Of Human Kindness

And if you find me
As sometimes you might
In bad humor
Direct my path to healing waters
Where leeches practice their medicinal art
An adjustment of fluids
Is all I really need
To restore my balance
As I am rid of plethora
And blood, bile and phlegm align
The lightness in my head
Will remind me
Of the euphoric rush
In the dizzying fall into love

Preserve me
As the Ancient Dynastic Emperors
With a steaming cup of finest tea
Made from quicksilver and jade
And I will never love another
But will float on dragon’s breath
Where the concoction leads
My mercurial nature manifest
I change, I change
Until I change to vaporous toxic fumes
Disperse and dissipate
To be lost in you
Taken in by your breathing
As you sit alone
Toes fiddling with sand
Mottled sun playing over your body
Oblivious to my sacrifices
Reticent as an Alchemist

Mysterious as medicine

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

POEM - Rolling Rebellion

To feel the concrete
Roll beneath me
In easy strides
With all eight wheels
Traveling in dreamy simplicity

I must have been the picture of bliss
As I scooted through the thronging masses
Of down trodden teenage types
Shuffling across the campus
Of the ancient high school

I took it as my responsibility that day
To scatter gleeful sunshine
Here and there along my path
Treating whoever there was
To and eyeful of my neon clad fanny
Dancing by on low cut roller skates
And just the mere sight of me
Cheered even the dreariest of inmates
At Tucson High Magnet School
Manifested in smiles and laughs
Applause and incredulous stares

I had carefully planned this assault
Feeling it my civil duty
In the face of increasing restrictions
To fight against the regime
Strike out against an environment
Where every fun activity
Seemed destined to be banned

So I dragged out my skates
A step backwards
When the whole world
Had turned to embrace skateboards
The lowly roller skate was forgotten
And, therefore, unrestricted
I checked, twice

So when the cranky old accounting teacher
Did a double take on the third floor
And mumbled I’m not sure that’s allowed
I was able to reassure her
With obnoxious confidence
That this was not outlawed
There was no rule against it
And then me and my wheeled shoes
Sauntered off sassily
Enjoying the smooth ride
Down the linoleum clad halls

In the end it was the stairs
All three flights in both buildings
That tested my resolve
But I worked it out
Made friends with the handrails
Used the toe stoppers
And careful patience

Because I wasn’t going to let them beat me
The point had to be made

The struggle must always roll on

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

POEM - Grocery Shopping? This is War!!

The plaza was so hip
That it took the fake names
From the proposal drawing
And turned them into real restaurants
As real as a load of bourgeois narcissists can get

I told you there'd be a price
For freedom

But the price was clearly marked in the upscale produce section
Though the rate of return was questionable

Does organic sawdust really need to exist?
But there were plenty of takers willing to rush the stands

There is no juice in your juicing
I was remarked at
Or you wouldn't be so, you know
With the obviously obtuse references
And your head wouldn't be that particular shade of round

It is obvious from the dusting of your chi
That there are other issues
That skirting the chakras
Just won't come close to eradicating

But I protest
On behalf of all free radicals
BOUNCY        BOUNCY        BING               BANG                         BOOM


Cause we got the swagger
That you just can’t swag
When you’re in on our scene

See, the thing is, you lost it
When square went cool
And pasty went mainstream
And blasé' fought it out
Back behind the restaurant
With indifference
And won
I guess
Or whatever

So fun bag it to the rodeo Cowboy Dan
This caravan has the salt in it
All pink and Himalayan-y
What the flax!
You got some spirulina ideas!
If you chia I'm gonna patchouli your taro root!


But my war cry goes unnoticed

As I count to seven once again

Monday, September 23, 2013

POEM - Snack Time with Danish Philosophers

Is the master
The one with chopsticks
Who can eat his sushi
With his opposite hand
In a windstorm
While each tasty morsel
Remains in tact
No loss incurred
Steady and trustworthy

Or do they quote
With effortless eloquence
The works of Kierkegaard
Completely appropriately
Situations and participants
Considered accurately
Looking backward on life
With an intimate understanding
Only gained
By first having lived it forward

Perhaps we are each masters
Though our accomplishment may
Seem wholly unremarkable

Today I ate an entire bag of Cheetos
With spindly chopsticks
Held deftly in my left  hand
Each cheesy snack finding purchase
In my welcoming maw
Even the scrabble of tiny boulders
Clinging to the bottom of the bag
Not one morsel tragically lost
To the relentless law of gravity
My white shirt untainted
An orange dusting
Conspicuously absent

From my pristine fingertips

Sunday, September 22, 2013

POEM - Glitter Everything

All I see is shiny
All over me
On the table
Covering blocks of wood
Flecks and sparkles
Glint and glitter
On everything

It’s been three hours
And a nice woodshop project
Has turned to shimmer
And I am making discoveries
Like vinyl lettering
Doesn’t stick so well
When there is a layer of glitter
On already rough wood
But I’m innovating
And industrial spray glue
An Exacto knife
Some patience
And liberal amounts of sealant
And the letters stay put

And I don’t mind helping
Really I don’t
I get to sit outside
On a gorgeous day
With good music in the background
But deadlines drive me crazy
And I said things out of frustration
With heavy sighs
Blatant exasperation
And I really was a jerk

But you were kinder than I deserved
When I sat down
Making grumpy faces
Which all melted away
When you scratched my back gently
Smiled and held my hand

A glittering personality

Saturday, September 21, 2013

POEM - How Bear Got His Tie

I keep the teddy bear
Because I haven’t figured it out
I’m not sure how to deal with it
There’s a lot stuff in the stuffing
Little bunches of feelings
Not all of them pleasant

He’s always been there
Just hanging out
In my room
When I was growing up
Propped up in the corner
Watching over my bed
Keeping the monsters in check

But there was one night
When Bear was in the wrong place
And so was my father
When he ripped my bear in half
I knew he wasn’t himself
It was a lonely evening
Losing my two best friends
In one violent mistake

The sun still rose
When the night was over
And reparations had been made
Bear was sewn back together
And received a new green tie of ribbon
I could barely see either
Through the easily flowing tears
Both of my friends had come back

I even forgave the old growling bear
He deserved a second chance
And like Scrooge
He was better than his word
Left his violence in that night now past
Kept his anger in check
Tied up like the Windsor knot

He used on Bear’s fancy new green tie

Friday, September 20, 2013

POEM - Paint the Door. Paint the Door (Mr. Miyagi, Watch Me Paint!)

The worn door
Faded and oxidized
Is too tired

The lady with the kooky glasses
The ones she decorated
All by herself
Is so happy
Happy we are there
To paint her door
On this September morning
She tells us it is Christmas
It is the thing she wished for
This is Christmas early
This is Christmas
Oh thank you so much
Bless you, bless you

And we go the extra mile
Take the time
Pull all the brass numbers off
Wash the door down
Tape it off extra well
And I share my painting techniques
With my coworker
Who has never painted anything
Didn’t you watch “Karate Kid”?
            Yes, but I watched the karate
Paint the fence, man, paint the fence
I show him the way
Go all Mr. Miyagi on him
He‘s impressed
Leaves today a better painter

We all leave in smiles
With more than we brought
Bucketsful of thanks
The kooky lady catches my arm
Her look is pure joy
It’s Christmas today!
I think she might be right

Thursday, September 19, 2013

POEM - Working the Room

The charts fluctuate
A prophetic reflection
Of my future feelings

And I think I am writing
For the sake of the art
To express something
A deep and yearning thought
But I am writing for the line
Trying to make it move
Take the upward climb

This is what happens
When a writer works
With spreadsheets and numbers
I have gotten familiar
With the data dump
The intricate influences
A nudge in one area
Sends a ripple into the mix
And I am transfixed

Pouring over the numbers
I see a trend
Then toy with the theory
If I include this name
Place the action in this city
Allude to a certain event
Will the readers come
To the landscape I have built?

Then I write the perfect poem
The one that follows the formula
Mentions the right names
Set against the correct event
With equal parts nostalgia
And genealogical cool

The next day I check the numbers
And it flops
Flat on its face
Like a hippo with hummingbird wings
Tossed off the north rim
Of the Grand Canyon
As the harvest moon rises slowly
To follow its slow sultry arc

Lazily crossing down a deepening night sky

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

POEM - A Corner of Night

I named a portion of the night
That remains in the corner
A cipher
Where no light remains

It is a darkened theater
A stage for plays
Adorned richly
Dust and detritus
Attend each performance

Experimental in form
Vulgar and unrefined
A faltering playwright
Must pen these atrocities

They stay in their corner
Works of anonymity
The underlying dialogue
That informs
Constructs and supports
All that is allowed
To see the light

My corner of the night
Dense and rich
Filled in every crack
With backstory
Muttered ramblings
Thoughts and feelings
Knowing glances
And broken hearts



Living off the grid