Maybe the softer approach
Will be the thing this time
That moves the mountain
The rocky pile of stones
You seem intent on carrying
And I want to lend a hand
I have strength to lift your loads
But a show of strength
Throws off your balance
Makes you lose your grip
Threaten to have the load come down
In a thunderous avalanche
So I will be the whisper
Of the cooling breeze
Caressing your anguished face
A slight refreshing chill
One good thing
Just enough
To take another step forward
Will be the thing this time
That moves the mountain
The rocky pile of stones
You seem intent on carrying
And I want to lend a hand
I have strength to lift your loads
But a show of strength
Throws off your balance
Makes you lose your grip
Threaten to have the load come down
In a thunderous avalanche
So I will be the whisper
Of the cooling breeze
Caressing your anguished face
A slight refreshing chill
One good thing
Just enough
To take another step forward