I got a
little carried away
online one spring
See it was
a money thing
Buying two
dozen chicks
Was less
than buying five
So I got
Filled in
the order with various breeds
impressive and whimsical
There were
eight Cuckoo Moran
Black with
white polka dots
And dark
chocolate brown eggs
Then a
half dozen Amauricana
A South
American jungle breed
Known as
Easter egg chickens
They lay
various colors of eggs
Green and
blue and pink, etc
Then the
classic Buff Orpingtons
A nice big
yellow chicken
A heavy
breed with light brown eggs
A good
layer in all seasons
Then I needed
a few more
I order
some Mottled Houdan
Because they
have a ridiculous crest
Looks like
they have a big poufy head
months later they came
I called
to warn the post office
They weren’t
even fazed
Said they
get goats all the time
The chicks
were a nice change
The box
was smaller than my last shoe box
I thought I
was shorted
But they
were all in there
With room
to spare
we had thirty six
Through various
And over
half were roosters
So we had
two pens
The boys
And the ladies’
Both got
attacked and decimated
One awful
I ended up
with one Buff hen
Amauracana hens
And one
Mottled Houdan rooster
I was
happy I had those left
The Houdan
was a little injured
Its eye
was swollen and awful
But it
grew over eventually
Too bad he
was a jerk
The healthier
he got
The more
he tried to pick fights
Soon we
were hoisting food over the fence
And I had
a broom to fight him off
Whenever I
went in the pen
All of
that ended two weeks back
The bigger
jerk dog got in
Ran him
out into the yard
Broke his
neck and left him dead
Ezra found
his soupy carcass 3 days ago
Rotting in
the deep grass
Nothing but
ant infested bones
And the remnants
of his pouf
To let us know One-Eyed Jack was